Scientific Program Gastroenterology

Day I (4th of April 2024)

SIMULATION CENTER (2nd floor, B Building)
• Digestive therapeutic endoscopy on animal model
Vlad Iovănescu, Dan Nicolae Florescu, Petrică Popa, Claudiu Ionele
Theodor Voiosu, Felix Bende

• Liver ultrasound guided biopsies on phantoms and animal model [20 seats]
Larisa Săndulescu, Mihai Sacerdoțianu

Supported by OLYMPUS

Lunch break

AULA MAGNA (Ground floor, B Building)
Official opening
Dan Gheonea, Tudorel Ciurea, Marcel Tanțău, Răzvan Curcă, Florin Burada

Connections Gastroenterology - Oncology - Genetics
Dan Gheonea, Michael Schenker, Florin Burada

Not only cancer kills…also Obesity
Cătălina Poiană, Bogdan Timar

Coffee break

Pipeline drugs in oncology
Răzvan Prisada - President ANMDM Romania
Michael Schenker - President Oncology Committee of Ministry of Health

The importance on the G6 universities in medical education of population

•G6-UMF Symposia dedicated to World Health Day
Rectors of the Romanian Medical Universities: Leonard Azamfirei (UMFST George Emil Palade Tg. Mureș), Anca Buzoianu (UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj), Octavian Crețu (UMF Victor Babeș Timișoara), Dan Gheonea (UMF Craiova), Viorel Jinga (UMF Carol Davila București), Viorel Scripcariu (UMF Gr.T. Popa Iași)

The hub of innovation – a strong partnership G6-UMF – MS – LAWG
Teodor Blidaru (Manager Innovation Hub), Viorel Jinga (President G6-UMF), Stefan Strilciuc (MS representative), Frank Loeffler (President LAWG), Radu Rășinar (Vice-President LAWG), Adriana Stara (Board Member LAWG)

The genetic origins of Romanians through the fog of the times
Mihai Netea – Spinoza Prize Laureate, Radboud University, The Netherlands

Day II (5th of April 2024)

GASTROENTEROLOGY HALL (3rd floor, A’ Building)
Neuroendocrine tumors
Chairmen: Cătălina Poiană, Adina Croitoru, Mircea Diculescu

• [08:00 - 08:15] New classifications of NET
Cătălina Poiană

• [08:15 - 08:30] Diagnosis of gastro-entero-pancreatic NET
Mircea Diculescu

• [08:30 - 08:45] News in systemic treatment
Adina Croitoru

• [08:45 - 09:00] Insulinoma successfully treated by EUS-guided RFA
Bogdan Ungureanu, Dan Gheonea

Patient Blood Management (PBM) – The role of multidisciplinary team
Chairmen: Dan Gheonea, Michael Schenker, Lucian Negreanu

Discussions panel:
Silvius Negoiță (Intensive Care)
Răzvan Ene (Orthopedy)
Lucian Negreanu (Gastroenterology)
Stelian Mogoantă (General surgery)
Dominic Iliescu (Gynecology)

Supported by CLS Vifor

Coffee break

Digestive cancer prevention
Chairmen: Ion Rogoveanu, Mircea Mănuc, Vasile Drug

• [11:00 - 11:15] Esophageal cancer
Sergiu Cazacu

• [11:15 - 11:30] Gastric cancer
Vasile Drug

• [11:30 - 11:45] Colorectal cancer
Mircea Mănuc

• [11:45 - 12:05] Liver cancer
Ion Rogoveanu

• [12:05 - 12:20] Pancreatic and biliary cancer
Sevastița Iordache

•[12:20 - 12:30] Conclusion
Ion Rogoveanu

Pharmacologic management of IBD patient (I)
• [12:30 - 13:00] The Intersection of IBD and spondylitis: Unraveling the complexities for improved diagnosis and treatment
Dan Gheonea, Florentin Vreju
Supported by Pfizer

• [13:00 - 13:45] New Era for UC Patients
    Dan Gheonea
    -The role of PROs in the Future of IBD
    Lucian Negreanu
    -Why is it important to bring up Bowel Urgency?
    Anca Trifan
Supported by Eli Lilly

•[13:45 - 14:00] Introducing the Vedolizumab Clinical Decision Support Tool (VDZ-CDST) scoring system in Crohn’s disease
Dan Gheonea
Supported by Takeda

Lunch break

IBD – From genetics to the cancer
Chairmen: Bogdan Mateescu, Cristina Cijevschi, Adrian Goldiș

• [15:00 - 15:20] Genetics of IBD
Ovidiu Frățilă

• [15:20 - 15:40] Evolution of IBD to dysplasia … and cancer
Alina Tanțău

• [15:40 - 16:00] Drugs in IBD and cancer risk
Cătălina Mihai, Cristina Cijevschi

• [16:00 - 16:20] Immunotherapy induced colitis
Șerban Negru

• [16:20 - 16:30] Conclusion
Cristina Cijevschi

Metabolic – gastroenterological connections

• [16:30 - 16:45] The role of Saxenda in the management of gastrointestinal complications of obesity
Dan Gheonea
Supported by Novo Nordisk

• [16:45 - 17:00] The pharmacotherapy of obesity – opportunities vs. obstacles
Carmen Oancea
Supported by Novo Nordisk

• [17:00 - 17:20] Challenges in the diagnosis and management of patient with LAL-D
Larisa Săndulescu
Supported by Astra Zeneca

Present and future in hepatology

• [17:20 - 17:35] Life moves quickly. So shouldn’t their treatment? - MAVIRET
Larisa Săndulescu
Supported by Abbvie

• [17:35 - 17:55] Excellence and innovation in the treatment of viral hepatitis C and D
Dan Gheonea
Supported by Gilead

• [17:55 - 18:15] Progressions in therapeutic management of liver diseases
Eugen Dumitru
Supported by SunWave

• [18:15 - 18:30] Obeticholic Acid in Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Dan Gheonea
Supported by Gottlieb Pharmaceuticals

Functional disorders of the intestine

• [18:30 - 18:45] Restoring balance – therapeutic approach in intestinal dysbiosis
Ion Rogoveanu
Supported by Fiterman

• [18:45 - 19:00] A new therapeutical approach in gastric functional disorders management
Ion Rogoveanu
Supported by Vedra

Day III (6th of April 2024)

Digestive tract cancers - Update 2024
Chairmen: Cristian Gheorghe, Daniela Dobru, Eugen Dumitru

• [08:00 - 08:20] New guidelines in the management of LGD and HGD in Barrett esophagus
Cătălin Sfarti

• [08:20 - 08:40] New treatment algorithm for local/locoregional resectable esophageal cancer
Eugen Dumitru

• [08:40 - 09:00] ESGE and ESMO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of early gastric cancer in 2024
Daniela Dobru

• [09:00 - 09:20] Multi-Disciplinary Team in the management of rectal cancer for watch & wait strategy
Cristian Gheorghe

•[09:20 - 09:30] Conclusion
Cristian Gheorghe

New challenge in hepatology: metabolic and alcoholic liver disease
Chairmen: Liana Gheorghe, Anca Trifan, Corina Pop

• [09:30 - 09:45] Rebranding NAFLD/NASH (Now MASLD/MASH) and alcoholic liver disease (Now Alcohol-associated Liver Disease)
Corina Pop, Sorina Diaconu

• [09:45 - 10:00] Clinical care pathway of patients with MASLD
Liana Gheorghe

• [10:00 - 10:15] Management of MASLD/MASH: rationale and current recommendations
Dana Crișan

• [10:15 - 10:30] Current challenges and strategies in alcohol-associated liver disease
Carol Stanciu, Anca Trifan, Horia Minea

• [10:30 - 10:50] What would you do? Addressing risk assessment and management challenges in specialty practice (case presentation)
Larisa Sandulescu, Răzvan Statie

• [10:50 - 11:00] Conclusion
Liana Gheorghe

Coffee break

State-of-the-art of gastroenterology department
Ciprian Brisc

Pharmacologic management of IBD patient (II)

• [12:00 - 12:40] Current therapeutic options in IBD
Chairman: Dan Gheonea
- The importance of mucosal healing in IBD - Mircea Diculescu
- Using Data to support clinical decisions in IBD - Liana Gheorghe
Supported by Abbvie

• [12:40 - 12:55] Efficient management of IBD – focus on biological therapy safety
Mircea Diculescu
Supported by Jansen

• [12:55 - 13:15] Ulcerative Colitis, new treatment options – Ozanimod
Liana Gheorghe
Supported by BMS

• [13:15 - 13:30] Dibuzin - the shortcut that will make the difference in colon diseases with deficient mucosal tropism
Lucian Negreanu
Supported by Biessen Pharma

New insights in daily drugs for our patients

• [13:30- 13:45] Action for protection! New trends in management of GERD patients
Adrian Săftoiu
Supported by Krka

• [13:45 - 14:00] The microbiota-gut-brain axis in irritable bowel syndrome: clinical and therapeutic impact
Liana Gheorghe
Supported by Innergy

• [14:00 - 14:15] Pre and postbiotics - a new approach in the management of intestinal functional disorders
Sergiu Cazacu
Supported by Vedra

• [14:15 - 14:30] The role of Normix in IBS-D management
Dan Gheonea
Supported by AlfaSigma

Lunch break

State of the art in endoscopy of Republic of Moldavia
• Endoscopy in ectopy, heterotopy, columnar metaplasia of the esophagus and small hiatal hernias
•Chairmen: Viorel Istrate, Nicolae Bodrug, Adriana Botezatu, Sergiu Ungureanu

Gastro-Onco Medical Crossfire: Case-based debates
Supported by Ewopharma
Discussions Panel:
    •Gastroenterology: Gabriel Constantinescu, Dan Gheonea, Marcel Tanțău, Adrian Săftoiu
    •Radiology and Imaging: Ioana Gheonea
    •Oncology: Michael Schenker
    •Surgery: Valeriu Șurlin
[15:30 - 16:00] Esophageal Cancer: Cristina Tocia vs Gabriela Fricățel
[16:00 - 16:30] Gastric Cancer: Bogdan Ungureanu vs Cristian Lungulescu
[16:30 - 17:00] Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Tudor Mocan vs Radu Vidra
[17:00 - 17:30] Pancreatic cancer: Gheorghe Balan vs Andrei Dicianu
[17:30 - 18:00] Cholangiocarcinoma: Vasile Sandru vs Ana-Maria Popa
[18:00 - 18:30] Colorectal Cancer: Cristian Nedelcu vs Bogdan Georgescu

Day IV (7th of April 2024)

AULA MAGNA (Ground floor, B Building)
Importance of communication between academics, medicine, and media - Open Session
    • Sources of Well-Being
    • The Rise of the Competitive Physician in the Digital Health Era
• Dorin Dancu (Consultant &Trainer) - INSPIRES
• Andrada Cojocaru (Health Journalist) - TVR Craiova
• Dan Gheonea, Michael Schenker, Florin Burada - UMF Craiova

Orele programului sunt exprimate in ora României