
Create an account in 3 steps.

  • Complete the data in the form
  • Confirm/Activate account from email
  • Authenticate/Login

The password must follow the rules:

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • Use lowercase letters
  • Use capital letters
  • Use numbers

Support: +40760416165

New account

Enter your last name.
Enter the first name.
Enter your unique medical college registration code.
* If you do not have a CUIM (ex: student, resident) fill in 0000
** Do not enter Initial Code, CIF, CNP!
Enter the specialty.
Enter the specialty manually.
Choose the professional degree.
Choose female/male gender.
Choose a county from the list.
Choose a locality.
Enter your place of work, affiliation.
Enter the phone number.
Enter the email through which you will communicate with the organizer.
Enter the password that meets the previously specified criteria.